Disclosure Policy

Basic Policy

Japan Lifeline Co., Ltd. ("JLL") is committed to providing information to shareholders and other investors in a timely accurate and fair manner. To this end, we shall quickly disclose important information conforming to regulations concerning timely disclosure stipulated in Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and implemented by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. In addition, we shall proactively disclose information that will help people better understand JLL.

Disclosure Methods

Information governed by regulations on timely disclosure is first supplied to the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and then to be disclosed on Timely Disclosure Network ("TDnet"), the information disclosure system utilized and managed by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other domestic security exchanges. Such information disclosed on TDnet is uploaded to JLL's website as soon as possible. However, disclosure in JLL's website might be delayed by the situation not anticipated. Information not governed by regulations on timely disclosure is disclosed in appropriate means, based on our assessment of its timeliness, with an emphasis on accuracy and fairness.

Forward-Looking Statements

JLL provides revenue and earnings forecasts to the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We may also provide information on current plans and future forecasts through issuance of printed documents, disclosure on our website and answering to inquiries in company information sessions, to enable shareholders and other investors to form possible evaluations of the JLL's future financial performance. In either case, information other than historical data is forward-looking in nature and reflects forecasts JLL has made based on information currently available. Such forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause actual results to differ from those projected. For this reason, we urge readers not to rely solely on such information when making investment decisions.

Quiet Period

In order to prevent information leaks and ensure fairness, JLL imposes a "quiet period" from the day following the financial closing date until the announcement of the financial results. During this period, JLL shall not make any comments or respond to any questions regarding its account settlement.
However, it may transpire that, even during a quiet period, JLL needs to announce more accurate financial projections to adjust the previously announced projections in accordance with the regulations on timely disclosure.

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